1. No Homework!!!!!
2. I can read a novel, not a text book
3. I won't feel obligated to study instead of relax
4. Having a home instead of just a place to live during school
5. Actually having a degree
6. Being able to call myself an engineer
7. No homework
8. Being a CSU Alumni
9. Having a real job
10. Getting paid for the work that I do, instead of paying to do the work that I do.
I guess this is a good time to tell you that I have accepted a full time Environmental Engineering position in Cheyenne Wyoming at a company called Terracon Consulting Engineers and Scientists starting part time now and full time when I graduate. This is going to be good because it is close to home and close enough that Jason and I can live together while he finishes school. I am looking forward to the position as it deals with writing ESA Phase 1 and 2 Assessments and is a lot of field work!!! My new boss says that at Terracon there is no glass ceiling, and I hope to someday attain my PE and be a mentor to younger engineers. I might also have the opportunity to move anywhere in the US (including Colorado!!!).

2. I can read a novel, not a text book
3. I won't feel obligated to study instead of relax
4. Having a home instead of just a place to live during school
5. Actually having a degree
6. Being able to call myself an engineer
7. No homework
8. Being a CSU Alumni
9. Having a real job
10. Getting paid for the work that I do, instead of paying to do the work that I do.
I guess this is a good time to tell you that I have accepted a full time Environmental Engineering position in Cheyenne Wyoming at a company called Terracon Consulting Engineers and Scientists starting part time now and full time when I graduate. This is going to be good because it is close to home and close enough that Jason and I can live together while he finishes school. I am looking forward to the position as it deals with writing ESA Phase 1 and 2 Assessments and is a lot of field work!!! My new boss says that at Terracon there is no glass ceiling, and I hope to someday attain my PE and be a mentor to younger engineers. I might also have the opportunity to move anywhere in the US (including Colorado!!!).