Monday, April 19, 2010

What a mother should be....

In honor of Mother's Day I thought I would write about my Mom. I know this would be in a couple of weeks, but I thought about this today and would like to get it written down.
To me, a Mother should be nothing less then what my Mom has been for me, a best friend. Since I was young my Mom (and Dad) has been the constant support in my life. She is the one I call the minute something in my life happens, and is consistently on the sideline cheering me on. She knows my flaws and my fears, my wants and my hopes. But most important she knows who I truly am. She is wonderful! I know this may sound cliche, but someday I hope to be half the Mother my Mom is to me. I hope to be the role model, the friend, wife, and Mother that she has shown me how to be. My Mom has become a successful business woman while being the glue to our family. Thanks Mom! Thank you for showing me how to hold my baby dolls, and how to bake cookies. Thanks you for teaching me what is important, what is right and wrong. Thanks for letting me be your little "helper" when you had Isaac. Thank you for telling me it will be ok when my heart was first broken. When I needed a shoulder you were always there, you have always been there when I have made decisions to help me to make the right ones. Thank you for being my Ma.
And to all of those Moms out there, don't forget how much you mean to your children. Someday they will look back and realize how wonderful you have been for them. I promise.

1 comment:

  1. A beautiful tribute to your Mom, Jenna. She's blessed to have you as a daughter.
